Sunday, July 29, 2007

Sweet Oscar We Love You

Sweet Oscar, our hearts are so sad today. Mum is crying and I don't quite understand, you crossed the rainbow bridge too early. While we never met in person; we loved reading all about your adventures and seeing all the wonderful pictures and videos.

Farewell dear Friend, wait for us on the other side of the rainbow bridge.

Forever Love, Nugget, Stewy, Ozzy & Mum.

11 Wags:

Joe Stains said...

we are so sad over here too :(

Lizzy said...

It's so sad. I miss Oscar so much, and I didn't even meet him yet! At least he's in heaven with God now.


Asta said...

Nugget,Stewy and Ozzy,

That's one of the sweetest pictures of our dear Oscar..what a doll he was..We're still in shock and so very sad..he was much too young to be taken.
Asta sends sad smoochie kisses to all of you
love Asta's mom Ami

Headgirl said...

Another touching tribute!
Oscar was very special & much loved. I've surfed his friends sites & read do many wonderful words, all of which have reduced me to tears again.
Its so hard to comprehend thats he's gone.
He was young but what a character. We'll all miss so much

Best wishes & lots of pats

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I miss sweet Oscar with his cool doggles.

~ girl girl


Its just too sad! Mum couldn't stop crying. He was so well looked after by his mum and dad and loved by so many dog bloggers. We will miss him dearly.
Jazz and Dixie and Mum

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Thank you for your lovely tribute. We are hurting so so badly now and just cannot understand why our healthy bouncy puppy had to go so soon and so fast. Knowing how much he was loved and will be missed is some comfort.

Katy and Martin xxx

Duke said...

It's been a rough few days Nugget! We'll get through it but it's just so hard! We all miss Oscar so much!

Love ya lots,

Bobby Griffin said...

Hi again,

Just thought I'd stop by and update you on the voting for bestest blog of the year. We've had over 8000 votes cast by over 100 different voters in just under a week. A contest update can be found at the new and improved brand new home of Bestest Blog!!, original details can be found here. With a week to go still, that $50 prize, title, and bragging rights is still up for grabs. Also, be sure to get in the running to be blog of the day again this year by joining the Blankest Blank Blog Directory. Thanks for reading and please stop by and leave a comment at the new Bestest Blog some time!

P.S. Sorry to hear about Oscar :(

Isabella said...

I just heard about Oscar tonight and am so sad.
Sad Wags,

Sunshade said...

Sigh.... Nugget, we'll all see him again in time....

Could you please give me your e-mail address?? You can e-mail me at

Thank you

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade