Saturday, November 17, 2007

Tis The Season For Stoopid Hats

Pleaaaase someone tell Mum that our Christmas (Holiday/Seasonal) cards do not need to be cute! The women has been trying to figure out how to keep a Santa hat on our heads for pictures; It's humiliating! Hopefully she will give up and go for a more respectable pose. Line us up like always with treats in hand and we will give you a cute but respectable picture.

I give up; so long as Mum feeds me I don't care.-Stewy

Only Ozzy would try and put the hat on! - The boy is one dog treat short.

You can't see it well in this picture but Ozzy got clipped so short he had bald patches. Mum said he definitely needs a winter coat.

15 Wags:

Harry said...

Poor Ozzy being so naked! Hopefully Santa Paws will bring him a nice coat.

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Duke said...

We totally understand your pain, guys! We HATE hats too! Darn these stoopid Christmas photos!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch


Hi Nugget,
We are having the same trouble with mum and this is my fourth year of it!! Why does she insist? I agree with you - just get out those treats and forget the hats.

Unknown said...

I sense this silly hat business will be coming our way soon also :( You guys just keep holding out for treats!

Anonymous said...

Hi Nugget,

Yep!! I know what you mean. My hooman has been digging around the boxes for my christmas gear as well.

Arrrgghhh!!! Time for that cutesy christmas photo everyone is waiting for...



Hi Nugget,
We enjoy your blog and we have given you an award so come over and check it out.
Jazz and Dixie

L said...

Our girl didn't even try with the stupid hats this year - she did worse - put things around our necks so we wouldn't shake them off! we're glad our pictures turned out ok, so now we are done with that ordeal for another year.
Comet and BLU

Girl Girl Hamster said...

You doggies look so cute in the christmas hat. I bet your xmas card will look pawsome

~ Girl girl

Sparky said...

Seriously!!! My mama started out with the hats, but when she turned her back to us, we destroyed them! Then, she came back with jingling Christmas collars which were actually pretty cool and comfy. They made it into our photos.

Eddie N Peaches said...

Very nice hat! I'm sure Momma will be dragging our Santa hats and Antler headbands out soon. Jeez!
whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella

Snowball said...

Hi Nuggy,

I have tagged you and given you an award. Come over and check it out at my blog.


Asta said...

Hi Nugget
It seems no one likes to weaw theiw Santa hats, luckily Mommi didn't twy to make me weaw one,hehe, though Ozzy looks pwetty cute in his..I hope he has a wawm tuwtleneck to keep him wawm fwom the cold.
You both look gweat to me!
smoochie kisses

Headgirl said...

I have to laugh!

I have also tagged you for a game if you want a distraction!

Hope all healings going well after the accident.

Love, pats & pets

Patches said...

OZZY - I tagged you to tell us 8 random things about yourself!

Headgirl said...

Hi again1

Borrowed a Stewy as santa photo for todays Santa post, with credit & link.

Pats & pets