Sunday, July 22, 2007

Time Capsule Tag

We were tagged by Jazz and Dixie to play a game -Time Capsule Tag. We are suppose to name five important things that you would include and then pass it on to five other friends.

Well, since Mum has been spending a lot of time at work and has neglected my blog my first item:

#1 Our lap top computer.... we aren't using it much lately!

#2 a Cuz, not mine I love it too much!

#3 The stoopid t-shirt Mum bought me. I look like a stuffed sausage in it.

#4 A Frosty Paws container. Just the container and maybe a picture of me eating one, it would be a waste of a perfectly good Frosty Paw treat otherwise.

#5 The video of me drooling all over the kitchen floor. It's a little embarrassing but it shows my love of cookies!

9 Wags:

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I like cookies too. Glad you're putting those in the time capsule

~ girl girl


Hi Nugget,
Yay glad to see you back!! Thanks for playing along with our tag. That video is priceless - it could be me or Dixie - it was like looking in the mirror! Mum makes us sit, paw, other paw, down and wait before giving us a snack!! can you believe she makes us wait that long!! She is so mean sometimes!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Wow, that's a lot of drool Nugget, hehehe!

Oscar x

Bobby Griffin said...

Hey there Nugget,

I'd like to take this time and congratulation you on your awesome blog and inform you that you are in the running for Bestest Blog of the Year. You are up against 104 other excellent blogs that have all qualified by being "Bestest Blog of the Day" in the past 12 months. Voting starts TODAY (July 23rd) and will end in 2 weeks (August 6th). Winners will be announced on August 7th!

The winner will be receiving (at least) a $50 prize and a ton of new visitors I'm sure. Other blogs that finish in the top 10 will also be getting a few new links and extra exposure. Full details of the contest can be found here. So what can you do to increase your chances of winning?

1. Go vote for yourself (duh!)
2. Encourage others to vote for you. Here is the URL: You can also find a nifty little graphic to include on your blog here.
3. Encourage others to register before voting. Registered users votes count 3 times more than guests.
4. Keep up the great blogging that got you here in the first place. People are going to be stopping by your blog before voting, and if you have some great, new content, that'll surely increase your vote.

Again, congratulations and good luck! And if you're interested in winning another "blog of the day" award and get in the running for next year's award, check out the new "Blankest Blank Blog Directory." Questions? Please feel free to email me or drop by the forum.

Shelli Martineau said...

That is so much drool!! I am a little surprised!! LOL.. How funny

Duke said...

I love that you decided on "a Cuz" and not "your Cuz"! hehehehehe

Very slick!

Love ya lots,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

waiting for food is such a torturing this that human could think of

Lizzy said...

Hahahaha, I love the video! You sure do drool a lot! Hehehehe


Joe Stains said...

I like that you only do the tricks when you want to do them, that is like me too. You made a good capsule!