Thursday, December 07, 2006

New Bed For Nugget

Tiffy shows nugget her new bed.

Nugget snuggles!

Now if only she would sleep here at night. She sneaks onto the bed at night, pins me in against RR, and then loudly snores!

6 Wags:

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I ALWAYS sleep in the big bed.

Bussie Kissies

T-man Angel said...

You are a real cutie! I would LOVE to snuggle by the fire, but my lazy mom won't buy me a fireplace.

Thanks for your card! I have it hanging up on my wall :)


Freda said...

Hi Nugget and Stewy,

Thanks for the cooools Christmas card. What good lookin' dogs!

I used to have a fireplace but then we moved to the lefts coast. We still need a fireplace. What a nice bed and snuggler you have. I snuggles with my dad when he tries to do his muscle builders or reads on the floor and I snuggles with Mom when she reads, puzzles or watches the magic box.

Thanks again for the great card. I and my family wish you and your family a great soliday season.


Joe Stains said...

we got your card you guys are TOO cute!!

L said...

That bed by the fire looks really warm and cozy. Our girl hasn't lit the fireplace yet this year, and now with all the cards on it, the house might go up in flames!

ps. We got your card yesterday. You and Stewy look so cute! Thanks.

Chelsea said...


You are so cute and your mom is quite the looker too.

It runs in your family
