Mum is letting me blog on her account. Today we took a car ride, and I thought we were going to the dog park. It was just me and Mum and that should have tipped me off. I think I heard Stewy and Nugget snicker as we headed out.

Nugget says she doesn't recognize me.
The grooomer was nice; but I don't need to do it again!
licks, Ozzy
10 Wags:
Hi Ozzy, you sure do look handsome. Did you really hear Nugget snicker when you went out?
~ fufu
Hi Nugget,Stewy and Ozzy,
We just watched your little video of you guys running around like crazy in the dog park. It looks so lovely in there that we wanted to
join you!
Jazz and Dixie
P.S. Us Beagles are lucky that we don't need to go off to the trimmers. Mum washes us in the bath tub at home and we hate it!
You look so cute! I think the groom job suits you!
Love ya lots,
Maggie look so cute after the groomer.
Ozzy looks so handsome next to daddio... What a cute pair.. Also, I loved the video!
Ozzy says thank you to everyone for the compliments.
Jazz & Dixie, Stewy and I are very grateful all we need is the occasional bath and nail trim.
What a transformation!
You look great!
I tod you you'd be even more handsome after your hair cut Ozzy!
Oscar x
wow, he looks like a totally different dog! you clean up nice Ozzy!!
Ozzy says thank you again for the compliments. Joe, I think he may be a different dog!
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