1. the act, power, or property of attracting dogs.
2. attractive quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle c-attraction of her cat scent.
3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices: The main c-attraction was the after-dinner chase.
1. the act, power, or property of attracting dogs.
2. attractive quality; magnetic charm; fascination; allurement; enticement: the subtle c-attraction of her cat scent.
3. a person or thing that draws, attracts, allures, or entices: The main c-attraction was the after-dinner chase.
4. a characteristic or quality that provides pleasure; attractive feature: The chief c-attraction of the evening was the litter box treats.

7 Wags:
peaches does not look impressed!
Is Peaches ignoring you? Hummm, it seems that most cats are good at that.
Yeah, my cat sister does that aloof stare at me too!
Oscar x
Peaches is no fun! I sure wish she'd jump down so you could chase her!
Love ya lots,
So did Peaches give in and play with you? Why are cats so snobbish?
Big Wags,
Ozzy is so naughty! I feel sorry for Peaches. In her old age she has to deal with young ruffian puppies.. How rude!
Peaches doesn't looks like she wanna play. So did she come down??
~ fufu
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