Monday, September 24, 2007

Lost & Found

Ozzy is demonstrating his best roll on stinky stuff. He is quite skilled at picking up lovely aromas, but for some reason Mum is not impressed. Today however Mum is babying him and is not worried about how dirty he is. Why? Somehow he escaped from our back fence and made his way a couple miles down the road. I think he was heading to the dog park. Two women found him and took him to a vets office in a neighboring city. Fortunately Ozzy has a micro chip and the vet was able to call Mum. The weird thing is he was wearing two collars, his regular collar and a choke chain which was not removed after his last walk. Both of his collars were missing... Very suspicious.
I was not involved in his disappearance-honest!Of course Mum had to go to the pet store to buy a new collar, she was so happy to have Ozzy back that she bought him new toys. I offered to help break in his new squeaky cat.

It's got that funny new toy flavor.

It's not as durable as our good Cuz. I was able to chew off two feet and part of an ear. Mum may take it back , she worries it may be a choking hazard. She'll have to sneak it away, I LOVE it!

11 Wags:


Hi Nugget,
Oh my I bet you and your mum felt sick to the stomache about missing Ozzy. Lucky he was microchipped though. Mum wants to get us microchipped too. Almost all dogs in Oz now are microchipped but its not as popular here in Japan. Being beagles mum always worries about us taking off after a scent. We are safe at home as we live on the fourth floor but out and about.... We have a question about the microchip thingy - does it hurt when it goes in?
That cat toy looks like fun. Nice work on the feet!
Jazz and Dixie

Dandy Duke said...

I would have eatten the feet and ears off the kitty too! He's cute but he's got to go!

Love ya lots,

Isabella said...

Thank goodness you guys are microchipped and Ozzy is back home. I bet you all were worried sick about him. But a happy ending to a scary story!
Big Wags,

Joe Stains said...

woaaah boy am I glad he is back home! What a happy ending!

Lizzy said...

That is definitely suspicious, the 2 collars gone missing... well I'm so glad he's back home!


Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh dear, good thing Ozzy's back home now. You better give that toy to your mom Nugget. It doesn't look good if bits of it can come off

~ Girl girl

Asta said...

I missed you at my was loads of fun, but it looks like you wewe pwetty busy with the twauma of Ozzy!
I'm glad you found him..that must have been supew scawy!
Nugget, I have that same caweful I don't want you to get huwt..i love the face you made when you talked about the new toy smell..pwiceless
smoochie kisses

Nugget said...

Thank you everypup, Mum took the Cat off of me...grumble @#$# She said it is not safe.

Asta, Sorry I missed your pawty. It looks like you had lots of fun!


Eddie N Peaches said...

Sorry you got the toy taken away. Maybe she will get you a replacement. If you do the math, seems like she owes you one, right????
We're glad that Ozzy made it home. Momma has thought of getting all of us chipped, but I bet its ouchie. Does it hurt much?
Eddie, Peaches and Bella

Ferndoggle said...

How scary for your Mom!! Good thing he was chipped. We all have chippies in our backs, just in case.

I would have eaten the whole cat...mmmmm, delicious.



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Jazz and Dixie